Personal Finance Truly Rich Club

Last How To Be Truly Rich Seminar For The Year on Nov 7, 2009!

I was reading through the latest articles at when I saw this announcement about the last Truly Rich Seminar for the year.

Last How To Be Truly Rich Seminar For The Year.

November 7, 2009, 8:30am to 12:00noon

Mandaluyong, Metro Manila

My wife and I were able to attend the last How To Be Truly Rich Seminar a couple of months back.  It was an enlightening experience for both me and my wife.  More than anything else, I think the seminar makes you aware what the “obstacles” are in terms of money habits, mindset and religion.

To learn more about the seminar you can visit

Do you like to attend Bo’s Truly Rich financial seminars but you are based outside the Philippines? Here’s your chance!

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