Welcome to my online store. Here you will find useful resources to help you in your journey to financial freedom.
First in my list, of course is my own Ebook Guide – Rich Money Habits – 8 Ways to Shift Your Money Habits and Be Rich.
Rich Money Habits Ebook Guide
Rich Money Habits Ebook Guide – with foreword from Bo Sanchez saying this ebook “contains the most important and most essential tools you need to start your journey towards becoming truly rich.”
Click here to get the ebook now!
I have read hundreds of books, attended lots of seminars on money, business and investing over the years. Out of all the online coaching I’ve personally tried in the Philippines, here are some of the notable ones I highly recommend for beginning investors, marketers and business owners. I hope they will be useful for you as they have been for me.
Bo Sanchez’ Truly Rich Club
I’ve been wanting to do a review on Bo Sanchez’ Truly Rich Club for quite some time but I’ve been putting it off due to busy schedule at work. When I read about Bo’s recent article “How To Be a Billionaire”, I thought people need to find out more about this…READ MORE
Click here to be a Member Now!
Jomar Hilario’s Online Mentoring Club
Jomar Hilario is widely regarded as Bo Sanchez’ internet marketing guru and the “Tim Ferriss” of the Philippines. I’ve been a member of Jomar Hilario’s Online Internet Marketing Club since last year. I wanted to do a review of his online mentoring club for quite a while now, but because of busy schedule I have been putting it off lately. This time, I want to get the review out ASAP so readers of this blog can take advantage…READ MORE
Click here to get a Mentor Now!
Other Useful Tools
This website, akoSiAllan.com is powered by the following useful tools. Note that the links provided below are affiliate links and I may earn a little income if you decide to use those tools through these links.
DreamHost Hosting Solutions – what I like about dreamhost is I can have multiple website domains in a single account. So far, I’ve been happy with it given this site’s current traffic. It’s ideal for people who have multiple sites with decent traffic.
Aweber Email Solutions – what I like about aweber is that it simply works. I use it to support my online newsletter which automatically sends my articles to my subscribers. It’s ideal for people who have long term plans for email marketing. Unfortunately, it comes with a steep price which grows as your subscriber base also grows.
Vector 5 – is owned by a friend of mine who’s responsible for the neat-looking logo of akoSiAllan.com. The great thing about Vector 5 is that they are very professional, easy to talk to, and offer great support for design customizations. That’s the reason why they have won a lots of design contests in 99designs.com.
E-Junkie – is an automated system I use to accept payments via Credit Card or Paypal for my ebook guide and send out the download link accordingly once payment is confirmed. What I like about e-Junkie is it provides a lot of nice features that allows me not only to track the sales and downloads for the ebook, but also be able to issue a refund easily as well as give out free copies of the ebook.