I can still remember as if it was just yesterday. After trying to have a baby for almost 4 years and patiently going back and forth to our doctor’s appointments, I can still remember how anxious we were, hoping and waiting for the good news on our goal to have a baby.
I can still feel the heart ache my wife went through when well meaning loved ones were asking her why we don’t have a baby yet. I can only imagine the pressure that she had to go through every time she hears the same question over and over again. That’s why I am very proud of my wife. Through all the challenges, even when her faith was failing her, he kept holding on to her dream, our dream to have a baby.
Our well meaning friends and relatives told her not eat too much for her to lose weight to have a better chance of conceiving. Of course, they don’t know that my wife was having a hormonal imbalance…and that having a voluptous figure can be because of other things not related to overeating. In fact, she has already done that, eating only “half-rice” at every meal. On top of that, she even went through a strenous dance class in the hope of shedding a few pounds which only made her cry and trembling in exhaustion after a few gruelling sessions. If it were me, I may not have the emotional strength to go on and continue with what she went through. My wife is a strong woman. In spite of her fun-loving, amiable and high-spirited front is a fragile lady with a loving heart full of dreams. She’s the first miracle in my life.
The First Glimmer of Hope
After years of trying, my wife went through the next stage of the work-up as advised by her doctor. She was told to take a medication, which she had to inject on herself everyday for the next week or so. One injection is worth PhP 3,000, and when I last counted, it was 10 injections that she had to take. Not only was it painful physically for my wife…but also painful financially. That’s when I realized that if you have a dream big enough, you really don’t mind spending more than you normally would. It is an emotional thing.
Finally, the good news arrived. My wife was tested positive!!! Yehey!!! We’re finally going to have a baby.

But the good news didn’t last for very long. The next few days were some of the most trying times of our lives. Everyday for the next week, she had spotting. She was losing blood. Exactly 7 days after, I had to take her to Medical City at 3am in the morning. I remember vividly holding her tight as we walked and asked a cab in EDSA Mandaluyong to take us to the emergency unit of the hospital. She was losing blood, a lot of blood. In the end, the baby was lost.
Without sleep, depressed, numbed from the whole experience, my wife and I went out of the hospital past noon with no clue what to do next. All I can remember was that we took a cab and went to my in-laws’ house to deliver the bad news.
While in the cab, I remembered that I had a scheduled appointment at 3pm on the same day with a friend of mine. At first, I really didn’t want to go, but as luck would have it, that appointment would pave the way for God’s healing and the greatest miracle to happen in our lives.
The Making of the Greatest Miracle in the World
After some chit chat with my friend, she showed me what she was busy with at that time. My friend even introduced me to her mentors. That meeting proved to be a turning point in my life. I didn’t recognize it at first, but luckily I suspended my disbelief long enough to have a clearer view of what it really meant…and soon 6 months after the greatest miracle happened in our 4 years of married life.
It was March 2011 after having gone through the tragedy when my wife and I decided to temporarily stop the work up consultation with our OBGYNE doctor. At times, I would see my wife, still feeling the emotional stress from the whole event, crying at her own corner feeling depressed. It pricked my heart seeing her so sad.
My wife stopped going to the doctor, stopped taking medications, and sometimes even stopped going to work in days she could not contain her emotional depression. As a loving husband, all I could do was watch her helplessly go through deep emotions that only a woman who losed a part of her own would know.
When my friend recommended a weight loss program for us, we really didn’t expect any result from it. In fact, because my wife was depressed, there were times we would not be able to follow the program and eat out heavily in an eat-all-you-can restaurant. Until one night, my wife accidentally saw our anniversary pictures on her laptop. On that same night, we were really surprised to see the difference in her. I was so excited, I asked her to put on the same dress and voila, here’s the picture I got. 🙂

That encouraged us to take a deeper look at what we have stumbled into. Because of the miscarriage, my wife and I were extra careful in what we were taking. In order to prepare the body for conceiving, it is important to have a healthy lifestyle especially for the 9 months the baby is inside the womb. Also with all the medications she was under as part of the workup, she’s afraid it would take its toll on her kidneys and liver. We discovered that nourishing your total body health is important, and taking a high-quality vitamin supplement like Cellsentials is key especially nowadays that eating healthy is so hard to do. We learned that Omega 3 is good for those wanting to get pregnant, so we decided to take it. We learned that Coenzyme Q10 is good for those with ‘hormonal imbalance’ and those wanting to enhance fertility, and also took some of it. And so on..
After 6 months, my mother-in-law who is already a senior-citizen and still without a grandchild, prodded my wife for us to try again. My wife, being a very obedient child who can’t say no to her parents, obliged on one condition – that she won’t have to go back to the same clinic and doctor again. My mother-in-law referred another doctor to her. My wife went to the doctor bringing with her her very long medical history of PCOS (Polycystic Ovarian Syndrome). The doctor did a new ultrasound scan, and much to my wife’s surpise the doctor said, “Oh, normal ka naman. Ok na siya. Wala nang PCOS” (You’re normal, there’s no longer any PCOS). My wife was stunned. She couldn’t believe it. She kept going back to the past 6 months and asked herself what changed. All she could think of were the healthy lifestyle changes that we went through.
The doctor advised her of the timing, and when she can do a pregnancy test. My wife was so excited she did the test a week early. One morning, she woke me up crying while holding on one hand the pregnancy test kit result. I was still half-asleep when I checked the test kit from her hand. I don’t know if it was because I just got off from sleep, I saw one solid line and I thought I saw another very faint one but wasn’t really sure. I couldn’t ask my wife because she was already crying profusely at this point. I didn’t have the courage to ask her whether she was crying because it’s already positive or she was crying because it’s negative again. All I could do then was hug her and not utter any word.
Another week passed and my wife did another test on the day the doctor advised us to do so. The lines were more pronounced at this point so we were getting very excited. After another week, we went through the doctor and it was confirmed! We are going to have a BABY!!! We were so ecstatic!!!
Past forward more than a year after, my son is now 5 months old.

Sometimes I still can’t believe I am now holding my own child in my arms while he lay soundly asleep. I still can’t believe that what was only a dream a year ago is now a reality. Truly there’s no impossible to the Lord.
Everything happens for a reason. Even tragedies have a purpose. When I look back, perhaps it was really meant to be for us to experience feeling the loss so we will know how to value what we have when the blessing finally arrives.
I feel really blessed. My son Ethan Gabriel is the Greatest Miracle in the World in my heart. Everyday, when I see my son smile back at me, it reminds me how much God loves me and my family. Amidst all the financial blessings that we have received, truly there are blessings that are PRICELESS. This is one of them. No amount of money can compare to the happiness my wife and I feel every time we see our son Ethan Gabriel smile.
All glory to God in the highest!
P.S. I hope Ethan’s story inspires you in your journey as you experience the greatest miracle in your life. Hold on to that dream for God would not have put it in your heart if it was not meant to be fulfilled in its own proper time.
P.P.S. If you want to know more about the products we took that has helped us improve our health to have a healthy baby after 6 months of taking them, you can contact me here.
P.P.S. If you want to try out the products and avail a 20% discount, you can CLICK HERE.
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